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Parish Council Meeting

The January meeting of the parish council will take place on Wednesday 17 January 2024 at 7pm.
This is a bit out of sequence to our normal second Monday in the month meeting date, but there was that little thing called Christmas holidays that came in between!!

We are hoping to have a presentation from the company who are submitting plans for the Protos Carbon Dioxide Spur Pipeline Proposed Development, so if you want to come along and see what that is all about, please do pop down to the Community Centre on School Lane.

We will also be discussing the amount of money that will be added on top of your council tax (this is called the precept) for 24/25 – the parish council have come up with some projects that will enhance Elton and whilst hopeful that we can apply for grant funding, these projects will need a bit of match funding.

We'll also be doing the usual things like paying the bills that have come in and discussing quotes we have received for bits and pieces of work that need to be done on play areas and the parish field.

Come and join us – the heating will be on!!

Get In Touch

Contact our clerk
07871 614665

C/o Elton Community Centre
School Lane, Elton

Elton In Cheshire

Elton Parish Council

The village of Elton is part of the unitary authority of Cheshire West and Chester.

© 2024 – Elton Parish Council