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Parish Councillor Vacancy

We have a vacancy and no election has been called for, so we are on the lookout for people who may want to join the parish council.Here is the official notice:



Notice is hereby given that a vacancy has occurred in the office of
Parish Councillor Elton Parish Council as a result of resignation.

Following the notice of the vacancy to the electorate, advertised from 14 September 2024 to
28 September 2024 no poll (by-election) has been called and the Parish Council can now fill the casual vacancy by co-option.

Co-option means that a person can come forward and express an interest in filling the vacancy.
A person co-opted to fill a casual vacancy on a Parish Council must fulfil the same criteria as a person being nominated as a candidate at an election.

To qualify you must be:

Over 18 years of age on the day you take office
A British citizen, qualifying Commonwealth citizen, or qualifying EU citizen*(see below)
On the electoral roll for the area
for 12 months or more have been:
a resident within the boundary
a tenant or owner of land or premises within the boundary
had your main employment within the boundary
living within 3 miles (4.8km) of the boundary

Employed by the parish council or any company it may control
Subject to any bankruptcy order
In the last five years have been convicted of a crime and sentenced to three or more months in prison (whether suspended or not), nor convicted of offences involving corruption, illegal practices or failure to register an interest under the Localism Act 2011.

* A qualifying EU citizen is a citizen residing in the UK prior to 1 January 2021 OR a citizen of Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg or Poland, as these are the countries that have so far made an agreement with the UK to allow their citizens to vote and to stand in elections.

If you are interested in serving as a Parish Councillor, please contact the clerk for an application pack (or download the pack under the picture) which includes information about the parish council and what it is like to be a councillor.

Lara Jacob
07871 614665 and email: parishclerk@eltonparishcouncil.co.uk
Elton Parish Council, Elton Community Centre, School Lane, Elton CH2 4PU

The closing date for submissions to the Clerk, either by post or email, is 31 October at 12 noon.

Candidates will be invited to attend the Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 11 November at 7.00pm to make a public presentation at the end of which a vote will be taken and the successful candidate will be invited to accept the office of councillor.

Get In Touch

Contact our clerk
07871 614665

C/o Elton Community Centre
School Lane, Elton

Elton In Cheshire

Elton Parish Council

The village of Elton is part of the unitary authority of Cheshire West and Chester.

© 2025 – Elton Parish Council